Corporate Traveler is the TMC that delivers when others fall short

Trust in a partner that evolves with your business and enhances every aspect of your travel experience


Effortless business travel

Seamlessly manage your team’s travel with advanced technology and unparalleled service, ensuring every journey is smooth and efficient.

Unmatched value & savings

Enjoy guaranteed savings, exclusive rates, and superior value with expert insights and comprehensive options for all your travel needs.

Comprehensive travel platform

Access everything you need in one place—easily search, book, and manage reports, backed by 24/7 live support from real travel experts.


Trusted by thousands of companies worldwide


A successful travel program starts with the right partner

You’ve made a great choice by partnering with a Travel Management Company (TMC). It’s clear you value efficiency, expertise, and the peace of mind that comes with knowing your business travel is in good hands. You’ve taken the first step toward building a travel program that not only meets but exceeds your company’s needs.

But even the best decisions need to be revisited from time to time. As your business grows and your travel needs evolve, it’s crucial to assess whether your current TMC is still the perfect fit. Are they providing the support, savings, and visibility that make a real difference?

If you’re questioning whether your current TMC is keeping up with your expectations, you’re not alone. If there are gaps, it might be time to reassess and explore new options that better align with your goals.

Understanding when it’s time to switch, and knowing what steps to take next, can make all the difference in ensuring your travel program continues to serve your business effectively.


Auditing your current relationship with your TMC

It’s important to take a step back every now and then and ask yourself: Is my TMC really delivering what my business needs? Auditing your relationship with your TMC can help you figure out if it's still a good fit or if it's time to consider a switch.

Here are some telltale signs to look out for:


1. They’re more reactive than proactive

If your TMC is only stepping in when there’s a problem, you might be missing out on the benefits of a proactive partner. A proactive TMC anticipates your needs, bring new opportunities, and offers new insights and solutions before issues arise. If they’re just putting out fires, it might be time to rethink things.


2. Their solutions feel one-size-fits-all

Your business isn’t like anyone else’s, so why should your travel solutions be? If your TMC isn’t tailoring their approach to fit your needs, it means they’re not fully invested in helping you succeed. You deserve a partner who truly gets your business and adapts to your specific requirements.


3. Communication feels like a chore

If you’re constantly chasing your TMC for updates or waiting too long for responses, that’s a red flag. A solid TMC should make communication easy, keeping you informed, and making sure you never feel out of the loop.


4. Their tech is stuck in the past

In today’s world, you need technology that makes your life easier, not harder. If your TMC’s platform feels outdated or doesn’t integrate smoothly with your systems, it could be holding your travel program back.


5. Their reporting leaves you in the dark

Are you getting the insights you need to make smart decisions? If your TMC isn’t providing clear, actionable reports and analytics, you’re missing out on crucial data that could help optimize your travel spend and improve compliance.


6. You’re not seeing the savings

One of the big reasons to work with a TMC is to save money. If you’re not seeing the cost-saving benefits you were promised, it’s worth questioning whether your TMC is really leveraging their industry relationships and expertise on your behalf.


7. You’re not getting enough flexibility

Business travel can be unpredictable, and your TMC should be able to adapt. If they’re not offering flexible options or making it easy to adjust plans when things change, that’s a problem. Flexibility is key in today’s fast-moving world.


8. They’re not growing with you

As your business evolves, so should your travel program. If your TMC isn’t scaling their services to match your growth or isn’t helping you navigate new challenges, it might be a sign they’re not equipped to support your future needs.

If any of these sound familiar, it might be time to reassess your relationship with your current TMC. The right travel partner should feel like an extension of your team, always working in your best interest and helping you achieve your business goals.


Thinking about switching TMCs? Start with these 8 questions


1. Do you have a dedicated travel consultant you can rely on?

When travel issues arise or you need expert advice on booking, who’s your go-to person? If you’re working with a TMC and you don’t have a dedicated travel consultant—you might be missing out on one of the key benefits of managed travel. A dedicated travel consultant isn’t just a name on a contact list; they’re your partner, someone who understands your business, your travel needs, and is always ready to assist you.

When you’re planning a business trip or dealing with a sudden travel emergency, who do you call? Do you have a dedicated travel consultant who knows your business inside and out, or are you left speaking to a different person each time, repeating the same details over and over?

If you’re unsure who your dedicated travel expert is—or worse, if you don’t have one—you’re definitely missing out on the personalized service that makes all the difference.

We believe in building strong relationships with our clients, it’s a crucial part of our partnerships. Our dedicated travel consultants aren’t just voices on the other end of the phone; they’re an extension of your team. With an average tenure of 8 years, our consultants become deeply familiar with your company’s travel policies, preferences, and unique needs.

This continuity means you always have someone in your corner who understands your business, anticipates your needs, and delivers tailored solutions every time you reach out.

Let’s talk about Webber, one of the largest heavy civil construction companies in Texas. With over 3,000 employees and 60 years of industry experience, Webber isn’t a company that settles for mediocrity.

Yet, that’s exactly what they were getting from their previous TMC—generic service, lack of attention to detail, and no real understanding of their unique travel needs. Frustrated by the inefficiencies and missed opportunities for savings, Webber knew it was time for a change.

That’s when they turned to us, looking for more than just a booking service—they needed a partner who could truly understand and support their complex travel requirements

Elzette, one of our seasoned travel consultants with over a decade of experience, began working closely with Webber. Elzette brought a level of personalized care that Webber had never experienced before. She provided tailored training sessions to improve traveler compliance, optimized their operations to increase spend efficiencies, and aligned services with Webber’s parent company.

The result?

The impact was immediate. Webber now enjoys a smooth, efficient travel program with reliable hospitality options and a team they can trust.

As Mohammad Ayubi, Webber’s Compliance Manager, puts it, “What we love about Corporate Traveler are the people and the reporting capabilities. Our team, comprising Elzette and Jennifer, are very responsive to our travel issues and reporting needs. It’s an infinitely better experience.”

If you’re stuck with a TMC that doesn’t offer this level of personalized service, it might be time to consider a switch. A dedicated travel expert isn’t just a luxury; it’s a necessity for a seamless travel experience. At Corporate Traveler, we’re ready to be that partner for you.

travel management for construction crews


2. Do you have clear service level agreements (SLAs) in place?

When you’re managing corporate travel, having clear service level agreements (SLAs) isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s essential. SLAs set the expectations for the level of service you and your travelers can rely on, from response times to issue resolution. If your current TMC doesn’t offer defined SLAs or doesn’t consistently meet them, it might be time to reconsider your partnership.

At Corporate Traveler, we take our SLAs seriously. We understand that time is money, especially when it comes to business travel. That’s why we have strict standards for hold times, response times, and turnaround times on all requests—even non-transactional ones like reporting and issue resolution. This commitment ensures that your travelers receive professional, speedy service every time, which is crucial for maintaining a positive travel culture within your company.

When Allteck, one of Canada’s largest power distribution companies first met with Corporate Traveler, they were drawn to our simple fee structure and comprehensive SLAs. But it wasn’t until they started working with us that they realized just how much these SLAs would transform their travel program.

Nicole DesRosiers, Corporate Office Manager at Allteck, shared, “Once we met the team and they walked us through the service level agreement, we realized we were onto a solution that would provide us what we needed.”

For a company like Allteck, where last-minute travel is the norm, having a TMC that could keep up was crucial. Thanks to our dedicated travel managers and clear SLAs, Allteck saw a dramatic increase in booking accuracy, time saved, and a significant reduction in costly errors.

As Nicole put it, “Our travel bookings have been going very smoothly with little to no issues. Any type of minor issues are promptly resolved.”

If your current TMC isn’t delivering on its promises or doesn’t even have clear SLAs in place, it’s worth asking if they’re truly meeting your needs. Choose a partner who you’ll know exactly what you can expect.


3. Is your TMC’s travel tech really saving you time?

If your current TMC’s technology isn’t cutting it, you might be wasting both time and money. The right travel tech should simplify your booking process, streamline policy compliance, and make it easy to manage everything from one platform. If your TMC’s tools feel clunky or outdated, it might be time to rethink your options.

Eliquent Life Sciences, for instance, was drowning in the complexity of managing 30 to 60 bookings per month. They needed a solution that could handle volume without sacrificing efficiency.

With our all-in-one travel platform, Melon, everything changed. By integrating single-use cards and automated policy controls, Melon transformed their booking process, reducing their biggest travel expense—accommodation—and making travel management a breeze.

What sets Melon apart is its intuitive design and ultra-fast booking capabilities. Business travelers spend an average of 45 minutes on booking, but with Melon, that’s cut down to just five minutes. Imagine the time your team could save. Plus, Melon's "Recommended Spend" feature makes it easy for travelers to stick to company policies without even thinking about it. No more sifting through options—Melon automatically highlights the best, policy-compliant choices.

And when things don’t go as planned? Melon’s live chat support is available on any device, so help is always just a click away.

Vicki Mann, Executive Assistant at New Era, saw firsthand how Melon’s tech could make a difference: “Our booking fees have fallen, and we're now capturing more travel spend and have greater overall visibility, allowing us to really pinpoint where there are further savings to be made.”

If your current TMC isn’t providing this level of convenience and efficiency, you might be settling for less than you deserve. With our Melon platform, you get more than just a booking tool—you get a powerful ally that saves time, cuts costs, and makes business travel management simpler than ever.



4. Does your TMC offer the technology to truly streamline your travel processes?

Booking tools and apps are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to managing business travel. The real question is: does your current TMC provide the tech that can simplify every aspect of your travel program?

It’s not enough to just book a flight or a hotel. To run an efficient travel program, you need tools that go beyond the basics. Think automation for reconciliation, flexible payment options, real-time traveler tracking, and visibility into your travel data through detailed reports. If your TMC’s technology can’t offer all of this in one seamless package, you might be missing out on crucial efficiencies.

Managing travel is about more than a booking solution. That’s why our business travel platform, Melon, is designed to be an all-in-one solution.

Melon not only simplifies the booking process, but it also integrates with major expensing platforms, automates reconciliation, and provides robust reporting tools that give you a clear view of your travel spend and policy compliance.

Plus, Melon’s traveler tracking features ensure you always know where your team is, keeping them safe and giving you peace of mind. In today’s fast-paced world, having technology that brings everything together in one place is non-negotiable.

If your current TMC’s tech doesn’t tick all these boxes, it might be time to consider a switch. With Corporate Traveler, you’re not just getting a booking tool—you’re getting a comprehensive tech solution that makes managing your travel program easier, safer, and more efficient.



5. How do you manage emergencies and last-minute changes?

Planning travel can be challenging, even on the best of days. Whether it’s a last-minute change, a complex itinerary involving specialized needs like transporting film equipment, or unexpected disruptions due to political unrest or environmental disasters, things can quickly spiral into chaos.

The real question is, how does your current TMC handle these unpredictable situations? Will they provide the support you need when the unexpected happens? Do they provide a dedicated point of contact who knows your business inside and out? Can they guide your travelers through stressful situations, no matter how complex?

We believe in being there for you every step of the way, no matter what happens. That’s why we offer dedicated travel consultants who are always ready to jump into action. Our team excels in managing even the most complicated travel arrangements, so you don’t have to.

Take, for example, our experience with Blast! Films. While shooting the TV show Flying to the Ends of the Earth, their crew found themselves stranded in Siberia after a helicopter crash. It was a tight situation, but our team quickly organized transport and flights to get them home safely and within budget.

And when it was time to send a new crew back to finish the job, we handled it smoothly, ensuring the production continued without a hitch.

Make sure you’re not just getting a booking service—you should be gaining a trusted partner who’s there to manage the tough stuff so you can focus on what really matters. When the unexpected happens, we’ve got you covered.


6. Who’s there to help you review and fine-tune your travel policy?

Is your travel program starting to feel a little outdated? When was the last time you took a close look at your travel policy to see if it still meets your needs? More importantly, do you know who to talk to if you want to make improvements?

If your current TMC isn’t giving you a go-to contact for proactive solutions, you could be missing out on opportunities to save money and improve efficiency.

Travel is constantly changing. Prices fluctuate, new technology emerges, and the needs of your business and travelers change. It’s essential to regularly review your travel program to ensure it’s still delivering value. Simple guidelines on booking procedures, preferred suppliers, and expense limits can save you up to 7% on your travel budget.

But if you’re managing this on your own, it can be overwhelming. That’s where a dedicated customer success team makes all the difference.

Our customer success team isn’t just there to fix problems—they also anticipate your needs and help you spot and seize opportunities to get more from your travel program before issues even arise.

With Melon, our all-in-one travel platform, reviewing and adjusting your travel policy is simple and straightforward. or refining policy guardrails with the algorithm tuner, Melon has you covered. And with our customer success team by your side, you’ll have expert guidance to keep your travel program running smoothly and efficiently.

This is bigger than just having a travel policy; it’s about having a partner who’s invested in making it work for you. If your current TMC isn’t providing that level of support, maybe it’s time to explore other options. Make sure you’re getting a team dedicated to keeping your travel program sharp, efficient, and perfectly tuned to your needs.

ct us added value made simple


7. What extra value do you get as a customer?

Sure, any TMC can book your flights and hotels, but what else are they bringing to the table? If your current provider isn’t offering much beyond the basics, it might be time to consider whether you’re truly getting your money’s worth.

Let’s start with the perks.

Our partnerships go beyond your standard deals. For example, our collaboration with Uber for Business is a game-changer for managing employee and customer travel on the go.

And, when it comes to hotel stays, we don’t just stop at the usual 10% discount—you could be tapping into even bigger savings in over 90 countries, or other perks like late check-outs, room upgrades, and more. With access to our business travel platform, Melon, and dedicated support teams, managing your travel becomes as smooth as it is cost-effective.

And it’s not just about the discounts. Our dedicated travel consultants are experts at sniffing out deals you might not even know existed. They’re your go-to for everything from maximizing loyalty points to knowing the best time to update your travel policy.

Because of our global buying power, you can access special rates and deals with your favorite airlines, hotels, and car rental companies. And, we leverage that global recognition to negotiate rates that significantly lower travel costs—sometimes by as much as 25%.

So, what’s your current TMC offering? If it’s just the basics, you’re already missing out on significant savings and added value that could make a real difference in your bottom line. Extras aren’t just nice-to-haves—they should be part of the package.


8. How does your TMC handle risk management and traveler safety?

Risk management is an essential part of business travel, covering everything from expected delays at customs to unexpected crises. It's a strategy designed to protect your travelers and your company. So, how does your TMC manage these risks?

When things go wrong on the road, how confident are you that your TMC has your back? Imagine your team stranded in a remote location, far from any help—what would your travel provider do to get them home safely?

Risk management is about having a plan in place and a partner who jumps into action when it matters most.

Your TMC should have risk management built into every step of the travel process. With our customers, we take a proactive approach, using advanced tools and dedicated support to ensure your travelers are safe.

Melon, our travel platform, includes a risk management tool that delivers real-time updates and alerts. If a significant event occurs, you can see where all your travelers are and coordinate a response instantly. You have round-the-clock support via chat, email, or phone, with instant access to risk assessments, supplier details, and more.

A solid risk management program involves not just handling issues as they pop up, but also preventing potential risks. It’s crucial that you have the expertise and support of a partner who prioritizes safety and security at every step.

Risk Alerts in Melon 1


Your travel program deserves the best!

If any of these questions have you rethinking your current TMC, it might be time to explore new options. Switching TMCs is a big decision, but it could be the best move for your business. If your current provider isn’t meeting your needs, it’s time to consider a partner who will. With Corporate Traveler, you get more than just travel bookings—you get a dedicated team, advanced technology, and the support you need to take your travel program to new heights.

Thinking of switching? Let’s chat

Talk to us today and discover how Corporate Traveler can be the partner you’ve been looking for.

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